These days, the most competitive dealerships win the game by being transparent and finding ways to quickly provide customers with the information they request.
In the not too distant past, prior to the Internet, dealerships had all the information and consumers had little or none. However, today’s consumers have access to a wealth of information which, at some dealerships, is more than the salespeople. This can pose a significant problem and can make or break a sale, possibly ending up in a bad review, negative word-of-mouth, or both.
Correctly handling customers by providing the information they request can be the way into their hearts and a good way to gain their business. Case in point: Audi recently won top honors in an annual dealership study involving 3,466 mystery shoppers that evaluates brands based on how effective salespeople are at handling consumers and closing deals. They did it through the simple task of fact-finding and providing information. By so doing, Audi increased their score by eight points that year and became the most improved brand, rising to first place form last year’s seventh, according to Automotive News.
The article states that Audi won because their salespeople were forthcoming with information that consumers wanted. Their salespeople acted as consultants and the customers found them to be helpful. Those customers included in the survey felt Audi salespeople helped them choose the right vehicle (if they didn’t know exactly what they wanted); or provided information and helped them with the details of the transaction that mattered to them (if they did know what they wanted).
Reducing friction in the car buying process by providing information when and where it is needed was a key ingredient in Audi’s sales process, vaulting them to number one over other brands. According to the survey results, if the customer is comfortable with the information they’ve received while at the dealership; AND it matches the information that they already have; they are more comfortable and trusting of the salesperson and the dealership. This can only lead to more sales and better customer satisfaction.
No dealership wants a customer to leave if there’s a shot at getting a sale. Those dealers that provide information, fact-find and give the customer a good experience tend to find customers are not only willing to; but want to buy a car from them. And that’s a great way to increase your sales.