Merchandise your lot the same way you merchandise online and optimize every selling opportunity.
LotMonkey helps transform your lot, showroom and service drive into strategic retail environments that replicate the online shopping environment - helping to improve CX and bridge the gap between online and on-lot for customers.
Sell more - faster by merchandising better on your lot.
Reduced On-Lot Shopping Time
Increased Inventory Turn
Increased Average Units Sold
Reduce inventory holding costs up to $200 per unit.*
*Average based on inventory turn rate of 45 days at a cost of $40 per day. Results per June '18 survey of 100+ LotMonkey customers.
Effectively engage, inform and influence shoppers on your lot.

The LotMonkey in-dealership merchandising system is strategically designed around
time-tested and proven "best practice" methodologies successfully utilized throughout the retail industry.
There isn't a better, more affordable way to bridge the gap and drive CX on your lot.
LotMonkey hands you the keys to your in-dealership merchandising with the ability to instantly create and customize a virtually infinite array of strategic, professional visuals.